Friday, 8 April 2011

N900 install NITDroid Gingerbread on SDcard simply

N900 install NITDroid Gingerbread on SDcard simply
    I tried to use N900-Autoinstaller here: But failed。
    The guid N900-install here: is outdated, some of the packages can't downloaded.

    I have installed Gingerbread on my N900 with the following steps:

1. Prepare SDcard 

    For this step you need to know the capacity of your SDcard. The Android partition can only be 2GB, so you need to create a FAT partition that is so large there will only be 2GB left. The number must be in MB, example some recommended sizes are 1, 100, 2100, 6100, 14100, 30100. If its 8GB you can choose a number like 6100MB, if its 4GB you can choose a number like 2100MB. If your memory card is 2GB or below, you can choose 1MB as a number. I suggest you use 4GB or bigger.

    Here's an example using 4GB SDcard, use these commands in your N900:

# sudo gainroot
# umount /dev/mmcblk1p1   
# sfdisk -uM /dev/mmcblk1 << EOF

2. Install the packages that are needed during the installing

# apt-get install wget bzip2 multiboot multiboot-kernel-maemo

or download these packages and install.

3. Install android filesystem and kernel

# cd /home/user/MyDocs
# wget
# bzip2 -d gingerbread.tar.bz2
# mkdir -p /and
# mount /dev/mmcblk1p2 /and
# cd /and
# rm -rf *
# tar xvf /home/user/MyDocs/gingerbread.tar

# cd /home/user/MyDocs
# wget
# dpkg -i nitdroid-kernel-2.6.28-06_final1_armel.deb

4. Reboot and enjoy android

# reboot
choose 2 to boot android

5. About this version:
What is working:
- 3D
- GApps
- accelerometer && orientation policies
- lights HAL
- hardware keyboard%)
- sound
- charging, battery status indication
- modem/data, SMS receiving, USSD, calls/signaling
- A2SD
- wi-fi connectivity
- bluetooth

What is NOT working:
- voicecalls (wut do you expect -- mediaserver crashes when ringtone is played?)
- fakegps

Saturday, 2 April 2011

SSH to N900

SSH to N900

There's no wireless connection for me to use.
And I want ssh to N900(maemo 5) from my Ubuntu 10.10. 

1. Get N900's root access
    sudo flasher-3.5 -F RX-51_2009SE_20.2010.36-2_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin --enable-rd-mode -f -R
    use option '--enable-rd-mode'

2. Download the SSH package form PC
    here to search the package:

3. Copy package to N900
    Plug one end of the USB cable on the host and the other end into the N900. The N900 will bring up the mode-selection dialog. Select 'Mass storage mode'.

4. Install SSH server and client
    The packages put in N900 are in this path:
    '/home/user/MyDocs' or 
    sudo gainroot
    dpkg -i *.deb

5. Configuration for N900 and PC
    Flow the instruction here:

Then can ssh to N900, and more easy to use it. : )